Home Project Profile A peaceful, timeless appearance
A peaceful, timeless appearance

A peaceful, timeless appearance


“A mix of vintage and modern pieces adds character to the space.”

The interior design project for this home is centred on producing a tranquil and timeless appeal by using neutral colours. The idea is to create a welcoming and peaceful environment that is still attractive and classy.

The colour palette is predominantly neutral, with shades of beige, grey, and white serving as the design’s base. These colours are used for the walls, ceiling, and flooring, with pops of colour given by accessories and artwork.

Various materials are used to add texture and interest to the area. Natural wood accents are employed in the furniture and decor, with plush rugs and textured textiles used for soft furnishings like curtains and pillows. Metallic elements in brass and gold offer a luxurious touch.

The chosen furniture features clean lines and basic designs, emphasising comfort and functionality. A blend of vintage and modern furnishings gave the space personality. The lighting is carefully chosen to create a warm and inviting environment. Accent lighting draws attention to artwork and ornamental elements, while soft, diffused lighting provides a friendly atmosphere.

Overall, the neutral colour scheme and carefully chosen furnishings and accessories work together to create a fashionable and comfortable living space that is both relaxing and classy.


For more info visit: http://www.anishkmotwani.in/


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